Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor Are you looking for a job in Canada that allows you to enjoy the benefits of nature? Then you’ve come to the right place in the fruit picking and packaging industry! With many farms and pack houses across the country, there are plenty of options for those who don’t mind getting their hands dirty. Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor Fruit picking jobs in Canada are typically available during harvest season, which varies by region and type of fruit grown. These jobs are often temporary and attract a large number of seasonal workers, including local and international workers. A fruit picker, also called a farmhand or farmhand, is responsible for picking fruit in orchards or fields. It is physically demanding work that usually takes place at harvest time when the fruit is ripe and ready for harvest. Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Overview of fruit picker jobs:

Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor Picking: The main job of a fruit picker is to pick fruit from trees, bushes or vines. This may include climbing stairs, picking fruit, and picking it carefully without damaging it. Depending on the type of fruit, the harvest can be done by hand or with special tools such as scissors or sacks. Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor Sorting and Packing: After the fruit has been picked, the picker may need to sort it by size, maturity or quality standard. They remove any damaged or diseased fruit and pack the harvested fruit into crates, crates, or containers, following the specific guidelines of the farm or orchard. Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor Quality Control: Fruit pickers often need to ensure that only good quality fruit is harvested. You must be vigilant in identifying and rejecting fruit that does not meet desired standards, such as those with blemishes, bruises, or signs of pests or diseases. Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Work Environment: Fruit picking work is usually done outdoors, exposing workers to various weather conditions. Depending on the region and time of year, this can include working in hot sun, rain or cold temperatures. It is important that fruit pickers are physically fit and able to withstand the physical demands of the job. Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Demand for Fruit Picker and Packer Jobs in Canada

Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor The demand for fruit pickers and packers in Canada is increasing due to several factors. First, agricultural production in Canada is steadily increasing, resulting in greater demand from farmers to hire more labor to harvest. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a labor shortage as many international workers have been unable to enter Canada.

Therefore, farmers are turning to local workers to fill the gap. In addition, the growing demand for fresh fruit and vegetables has also led to an increase in job opportunities for fruit pickers and packers. Due to the current unemployment in Canada, more and more people are looking for work in this field. Overall, fruit picking and packaging jobs are in high demand in Canada and opportunities abound for both domestic and international workers. Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor

Read also this: Immigration to Canada as a truck driver 2024

Also Visit this link: Poultry Farm jobs in Canada for foreigner best opportunity for 2023 and 2024

Visa sponsorship: Available

The best thing about this job is that no qualifications or experience are required.

Types of fruit picking:




Tree Shakers

Conveyer belt system

Picking belt or bucket

Merits and Demerits of fruit picking jobs in Canada:

Seasonal employment

Outdoor work

Physical activity

Connection with nature

Learning opportunity


Physically demanding

Low wages

Limited career growth

List of fruit picker jobs:

SNJob Titlelocationsalary
1Fruit pickerManpreet  and kamalpreet farm16.75hourly
2Fruit pickerKalwood Farm Ltd28 per pcs
3Fruit pickerThwaites Farms Ltd15.83 hr

Types of crops:



Orchard fruit

Responsibility for fruit picking jobs:

Cleaning crop


Pick row and orchard crops

Clean work area

Sort and pack fruits and vegetables

Load, unload and transfer crates, supplies and farm produce, livestock and poultry

Plant, cultivate and irrigate crops

Operate and maintain farm machinery and equipment

Fertilize and spray crops

Examine produce for quality and prepare for market



Mixing fertilizer


Fruit Picker jobs in Canada 2024 with Sponsor


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